Special Events

There are lots of fun events our Park hosts throughout the year. Here are a few we have this year.

Brick Kitchen Demonstrations. Stop by the Brick Kitchen in the Historic Area of Chippokes Plantation State Park the third weekend of each month January through October to view hearth cooking demonstrations and maybe even sample a dish or two. Saturdays 10am-12 pm & 1pm-4pm. Sundays 12-4pm.

(Hearth cooking will also be a part of our special events throughout the year.)

Cost is the $7 vehicle park entrance fee.

Friends of Chippokes Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 19th, 2025, 2pm to 4 pm. Rain or shine. The Hunt begins promptly at 2 pm! Meet at the Jones-Stewart Mansion Parking Lot. Children aged 10 and under are invited to participate in the hunt. Over 2,000 eggs are hidden in two sections, one for younger children, one for older. Bring your own basket! Along with the hunt, there will be light refreshments and activities for the family.

Cost is the $7 vehicle park entrance fee.

The Friends of Chippokes are sponsoring a Garden Tea on Saturday, May 3rd, 2025 between 1 pm and 3 pm on the mansion grounds - In the event of rain, the Tea will be moved to the Conference Shelter. Park visitors can enjoy savory and sweet treats, along with several types of tea, served on the side porch of the Jones-Stewart Mansion.

Come enjoy the spring blossoms at Chippokes gardens and take a guided tour of the Jones-Stewart Mansion. Be sure and visit the Friends of Chippokes Gift Shop for a unique selection of spring-themed items.

There is no fee other than the vehicle entrance fee.

Cost is the $7 vehicle park entrance fee.

Chippokes Harvest Festival. Celebrate the harvest at one of the oldest continually-farmed plantations in the nation on Saturday, October 18th, 2025, from 10 am to 5 pm. Chippokes' Harvest Festival features music and family activities such an antique tractor pull, painting a pumpkin, creating a corn cob doll, playing corn hole, and going on a hay ride. Shop the craft and food vendors for a wide variety of selections. See antique harvest equipment in operation and watch costumed interpreters cook on the hearth in the 1850s Brick Kitchen. Tours of the antebellum Jones-Stewart Mansion and the Farm and Forestry Museum included. Rain or shine.

If you or someone you know is interested in being a craft vendor, contact the park office at 757-294-3625 or email kathryn.lane@dcr.virginia.gov.

Cost is the $7 vehicle park entrance fee.

Holiday Open House/Wreath Workshop. Date to be announced. Meet at the Conference Shelter. Enjoy apple cider and cookies at the Brick Kitchen, make a Christmas ornament, design a wreath to take home using park greenery. (There will be a suggested donation for the wreath.)

Vehicle park entrance fee of $7 will apply.

For a current list of Chippokes State Park Events, please visit the Virginia State Parks Web Site All Events Subject to Change. Please check with the Park Office: (757) 294-3728.